You are subscribing to the Very Small Business
(Org)anization’s email list.

Subscribing and confirming returns you to this sites front page.

Your list subscription information is not shared or sold.

Your information is placed on a preliminary email list built at this point in time.

Within a few days your information is removed from the preliminary list and placed on the business verification email list for this site.

Information in the emails sent to the preliminary list and business verification list is specific to information at this moment in time.

At specific points in time, all mail list subscriber information is deleted from the preliminary email list by site administration, due to the specific email information available during a specific period of time.


Your email list subscription information is removed from the preliminary email list and placed on a business verification email list that requires you to provide more business information to stay on the list


If you do not update your information or do nothing with the email information you receive, eventually your information  will be deleted from this email list!

The primary reason all subscriber information is deleted from the preliminary email list and secondary list is because these lists are built upon subscriber interest of a specific topic at a specific point in time.

You will always be able to subscribe and unsubscribe from any email list


You will be notified (via email, of course) before your subscription information is deleted, so you can take action, if necessary to continue receiving information.

You will always be able to unsubscribe and subscribe again based on the specific information available at any point in time.

Your first automated message from this list is minimal.

Additional messages may be automatic or manually prepared and sent based on the information available at any point in time.

You are under no obligation to do anything, pay anything or stay on this sites mail list.

Name, Email and Country Are Required Entries For This List!

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